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i’m so happy i came across this game! as ckyunwon mentioned below, i could also play it for hours on end ♡

(1 edit)

The game said 1 problem, all elements were for risked rains, only sacrifice was different, but would not let me change sacrifice, said he didn't remember it looking like that. So confused. After that I managed to go through a 6 streak. Fun and chill game

Odds are there must have been another ritual that matched everything but one - It's easy to go down the wrong path when there's so little information given. (They're designed to be a little conflicting to make it harder)


Would it be weird to say there's something calming about this game? It's simple, the design is so cute, and I know I will end up playing this for hours. Thank you OblivionCreator for this wonderful little game ♥️

Thank you for playing it! We put a lot of effort into it and I'm glad you enjoy it :)